Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kid Funnies

Here are some kid funnies!

(age 4) - apparently Olivia had heard things on the news that she didn't quite understand about the weather. #1: Tornadoes were heard as Tomatoes #2: "Tomatoes" had "eyes" (weatherman must have said, "eye of the tornado") #3: stay clear of the windows

Now, fast forward to the tornado (tomato?) siren sounding. This is my sweet terrified 4-year old: "Mommy, quick, the tomato is coming! And hurry, move away from the window, it is going to see us and come and get us". (How sad is that!!!)

(age 5)- One day my friend was playing the game "Farkle" on Facebook. Olivia responds: "Farkle....that sounds like a bad MY head."

(age 2)- One morning, while laying in her crib, says to me as I am getting her up, "Mama, do you have a little bit of chocolate?" (I am not kidding, she said it word for word)

(age 3)- "Mommy, I am going to marry my blankie when I grow up"

(age 4)- "When I grow up, I am going to live right next to grandma and grandpa. You can come visit me there if you want."

(age 2)- Out in the flower garden one day, Chad was digging with his little plastic shovel. As it begins to sprinkle, he crinkles his nose, looks up at the sky and asks, "hey God, you do that?"

(age 3)- When asked where his daddy works, he responds: "my daddy works at church. My mommy is the cooker and babysitter".

(age 4)- In the drive-thru line at McDonalds, Daddy was getting frustrated. Chad, from the back seat responds: "Daddy, just take a few deep 'breath-ez', that always helps me."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Difficult Days

It has been a long time since I have posted anything. There has been much going on that has left me feeling at a loss for words. The fragility of life is before me right now. I have been following a little girl on CaringBridge who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor - a very aggressive one and one that is located in such a way that they could not fully remove it with surgery. She is a trooper and at the same age as my Olivia. Makes me feel so sad for this family. Most recently, my dearest friends in the world are going through a deeply painful experience. It is a dark time for them, and as friends, for us as well.

I have been contemplating this over the past days and considering what it means to walk alongside someone who is hurting. There are moments as you shoulder hard times with someone that you feel so completely helpless. In my helplessness, I want to run. I somehow want that helplessness to travel with me to be left far from the situation. For me then to return with a solution. But, I have come to accept that simply being present has a component of comfort that cannot be adequately expressed. To you my precious friends, I tell you that I am present. That I am available to support and comfort in any way that I can. And, that I will indeed not run but remain, prayerfully awaiting God's plans to unfold before us, and anticipating the jubilant dance that follows good news! I love you all!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Frogs and Snails and.....Honey Pots

I know they say that the "twos" are "terrible". But, aren't they also delightful? These little people are learning to navigate their worlds independently, with lots of tumbles and hilarious misuses of the English language (I am assuming that this is universal, so any language, really). Sometimes I have thought that the cuteness and hilarity are the rewards that propel us to continue on each day in expectancy of yet another reward. Joy in the journey.

One of the things I have enjoyed so much in motherhood is that we get to delight in childhood toys once again. When my son was born, I went crazy for Winnie-The-Pooh. And, fortunately for me, it was everywhere. Hmmm.....there is something to be said for the enticements of marketing and advertising. Anyway, I was thrilled to bring home books and toys that brought me back to a happy place in my childhood. I would spend hours with my little boy encountering the "Hundred Acre Wood" in story and play. Piglet, Tigger, Roo, Eeyore (to name a few favorites), picnics and adventures filled with friends and honey pots. Needless to say, Winnie-The-Pooh was a part of our lives back then.

One day, while driving the familiar 40 minutes to Grandma and Grandpa's house, our son was nestled safely in his car seat and seemingly quiet in his thoughts. Out of the quietness of the moment, a little voice in the backseat says "Daddy, you my best fwwwiend", with all the tenderness a little two-year old could muster. Deeply touched by the sweetness of the moment, I say, "awww, Chaddy, that is so nice to say. Am I your best friend too?" "No," he replies, with a similar tenderness and thoughtful pause.........."Yooou my honey pot!" Glorious reward!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

just thoughts

Been awhile since I have written anything. I have some anxiety filling my thoughts and heart today. I hate the strangling feeling that anxiety has at it twists and tightens around my chest and throat. Tonight I am nervous about a job interview I have tomorrow. I am disappointed that my business venture hasn't replaced my lost income, and yet feel grateful that this new opportunity has been given to me. It seems that no matter how old I get, interviewing NEVER feels good. So, I am praying for peaceful thoughts tonight and doing my best to distract. Writing feels like a good release tonight.

Favorite things:

spending time with cherished people, laughing, reading a great book, watching a great movie, smelling something yummy baking, looking at things of beauty, listening to the songs of nature, sharing memories, hugs, singing, big fluffy clouds, fireworks, watching decorating shows, watching cooking shows with Emily, Olivia's kisses, Chad's jokes, Barry's laugh, getting lost in moments of realizing how big God is and how small I am (along with my problems), hearing the purr of my cat (although she is very intense after being alone so long), decorating my house, finding a solution to a problem, discovering something new and delightful...........

Wow, that will snap you out of funk - jotting down favorite things makes you smile as you think about positive things - try it for yourself!