It seems that my pattern for this blogging thing has been to ponder something for a good while - let it churn long enough in my brain - then release it into written words. I am not good at writing frequently it seems. Anyway, there has been something that has been churning in my head, and I thought it time to put it down in writing. :)
His Story
I have been struck with a deep sense of the fact that my life - our lives - history - all of creation belongs to God. He is the Author. Many feel a deep sense of frustration or dissatisfaction that things aren't the way they wish it to be. There is a sense that "God is mean" or "God is uncaring" or even "there is no God" because we can't seem to wrap our brains around the fact that we are the created. How many times have we picked up a novel only to be completely dismayed that the author ended it that way or that our favorite character somehow disappoints us along the way? On a deeper level, what of the characters in the book? Do they somehow rise up off the page and shake their ink fists at the author and demand the story to be written differently? I heard it described once that we shake our "dust fists" at God when things do not go as we desire. Really the notion of that is preposterous; that the characters in a story can demand that it be written differently. While it would have been so much less sacrificial for God to create us without free will, He chose to give us the opportunity to choose Him. To choose to submit to His ways. He has written us a love story (the Bible) to depict how He feels about us and how submitting to His ways brings us peace that passes understanding and joy that is felt even in the midst of extreme hardship. In the end, He will have His way whether we agree with it or not. You may think that is wrong, mean, or uncaring; it is your free will to do so. But, is His Story.
this is good.